Midlands Mission Center
Coffee Talk
Join us for “Coffee Talk”
Want to visit with one of the Mission Center Presidents? Maybe share what’s going on in your congregation or learn how others connect with God? It's just a chance to get together and chat about happenings in the Mission Center, World Church, and in your congregation and life.
All are welcome!!
Please email Kat Hnatyshyn (khnatyshyn@cofchrist.org) to schedule one in your congregation!

Mission Peace Grants
Be it Resolved, that the Midlands (USA) Mission Center clarify opportunities available for financial assistance for new specialized ministries concerning Pursue Peace on Earth within the Mission Center; and
be it further
Resolved, that the Mission Center activate a process by which World Church officers or Mission Center leadership, congregations or members can submit proposals for programs within our jurisdiction and apply for funding of new specialized ministries; and
be it further
Resolved, that the Mission Center allocate in its annual Operating Budget financial support for the purpose of qualified new specialized ministries concerning Pursue Peace on Earth.
Click HERE to apply